[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest”]Do you ever feel worn weary from worrying over the cares of life? Anxiety can steal sleep, replace rational thinking with irrational, and cause us to miss memory making moments. I’ve struggled with an anxious mind for most of my life and I’ve found ways to keep it from taking control of […]
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I am linking up for Five Minute Friday. The FMF is hosted by Kate Motaung on her blog Heading Home. Today’s prompt is “enough.” A paper sat in front of me, if you looked closely you could see it was almost worn thin from erasing the problem over and over again. Eyes weary from lack of […]
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What do you place your hope in? Hope is defined as a person or thing in which expectations are centered. What you place your hope in, defines how you live your life. The following examples are based upon numerous people and stories mixed together, the names are fictional. Lisa based her worth on her intellect. […]
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