Hey, Friends!
Here is part of Michelle's story...
Many years ago, fear laced around every thought, and my heart and soul churned with anxiety. Peace felt distant. I lived as though I could somehow fix all that was broken. Enormous amounts of time and energy were spent crafting the perfect plan to fix all that was wrong. I had put myself in charge.
Exhausted and irritable, my mind was never at rest. Sleep was elusive, and I felt angry and on edge most of the time.
In the process of trying to manage every detail, to try and control, I became controlled by the circumstances.
Life was difficult, and I found myself trying to survive.
All of my life, I had known and loved Jesus. I had been through challenging situations before, but they didn't seem to last forever. What do you do when life gives you a story you didn't choose?
I learned to rest in God by placing all of my circumstances in His capable hands. Instead of hanging unto all of the broken pieces, I gave them all to Him. God mended my life in ways I could have never imagined.
I am learning to sit with God and bring my thoughts, emotions, & feelings before Him. He renews me with His strength and fills me with His peace and joy.
I've created this space for you. A place where I can share God's Word with you and spiritual practices that help you rest in God's presence. There are tools and resources to help you grow closer to God. They are simple and repeatable. All of them have been designed and meant to fit in and around your schedule.
"My soul finds rest in God alone."
psalm 62:1