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I'm Michelle 
 Bible Study mentor for busy women who long to spend time with Jesus.

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Bible Reading Plans






Emotional Health


The Lord is Your Shepherd Bible Reading Plan

The Lord is your Shepherd. As God’s child, this your promise, at this moment and always. We often hear these words at a funeral, and they bring us peace and comfort. But these words are meant for us all the days of our life. They remind us of who God is and we can trust Him. I’ve created the Lord is Your Shepherd Bible reading plan to help you spend time in God’s Word.

Because life can sometimes feel uncertain and unsettled, and it’s in those moments you need to remember God is your loving shepherd. He walks with you. And will carry you when you don’t have the strength to walk another step.  

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1  King David, did not write the Lord is our shepherd, He made it very personal. For you.  Right now, in this moment and all the moments to follow the Lord is your shepherd.

God knows you.The Good Shepherd calls you by name. He knows everything about you. He loves you, and he is always right by your side. So when you think about the Lord as your shepherd. In those moments when anxiety swirls and fear crouches at the doorway of your thoughts, remember the Shepherd is by your side. 





The 23rd Psalm is full of promises from God to you. These verses can be tucked deep with your heart and soul, for the moments that shake you and knock you off balance.

God’s promises for you in the Psalm:

  1. The Lord provides for you.
  2. God gives you rest.
  3. He restores your soul.
  4. Through the valley of the shadow of death, God walks with you.
  5. God comforts you.
  6. Your cup overflows.
  7. God’s faithfulness and mercy follow you every day.
  8. The promise of heaven is for you.

These promises cannot be broken. You don’t have to earn them; they are a gift to you. I don’t know what you are facing right now or what you will face in the future, but I do know that God holds you close to His heart in His capable hands.

God’s Word is more powerful than we can possibly imagine. In His Word, God meets us right where we are at and fills our hearts with hope and gives us strength to face each day.

Bible Reading Plan

I’ve created a Bible Reading plan, journal pages, and audio devotionals to help you rest in the words of this beloved Psalm.

Perhaps you are a bit like me and struggle to find time to read God’s Word. This is designed to fit in and around your busy life.

Let me walk beside you to help you and encourage you in the study of God’s Word. God doesn’t ask you to try harder; He invites you to Be Still in His presence so that He can fill you up with His perfect gifts. In those moments, He will give you peace and the strength you need to finish out the day.

You can fill out the form below to receive the plan.  You should receive an email right away.  If you don’t, please check your promotions or spam folder.

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I'm Michelle 
 Bible Study mentor for busy women who long to spend time with Jesus.

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Bible Reading Plans






Emotional Health